Creating great spaces to support health and wellbeing
- based on research and evidence
We at Active Spaces believe that health and wellbeing is a human right. We also believe that by creating supportive physical spaces, we can improve health and wellbeing, through a holistic and evidence-based approach
Making the world a healthier place, one space at the time
The physical spaces where we spend our time have a great role to play in our wellbeing. Unfortunately many spaces don't quite deliver. Currently the world has been turned up-side-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have changed how and where we do things and although we don't know what the post-Corona world will bring, we need to prepare for it.

The New Normal
With the post-Corona 'New Normal' we have the opportunity to do things better than before. Spaces and habits will need to be nimble enough to handle both business as usual, as well as new pandemics and the like. Active Spaces is in the business of creating great spaces that support our health and performance. We take a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to offer guidance to organisations, so they can transition to future-proof spaces. We offer solutions, evaluations and evidence syntheses.
Meet the director
Active Spaces Consultancy is led by Dr Lina Engelen. Lina is a 'pracademic' [a person who spans the boundaries of academia and practice], passionate about creating great spaces that support us in our daily activities. With a public health background, her research has focused on how the built environment affects our health and performance. She believes great spaces can enhance our wellbeing and she wants to make the world a healthier and more functional place, one space at a time. She is also a Fitwel ambassador and consultant.