3.8 million
Australians over 65 years
The Australian population is ageing, with older Australians a growing proportion of the total population. In 2017, 15% of Australians were aged 65 and over; this proportion is projected to grow steadily over the coming years and decades (AIHW, 2018).
With today close to 4 million Australians being 65+ years and we grow older than ever before, there is a strong need to maintain health and manage disease in this population. The physical environment plays a large role for healthy ageing.
We are collecting evidence based information on how to do it right.
Current projects
Healthy spaces, healthy ageing
A literature review on the current evidence on physical and technical solutions for healthy ageing.
Recent events
Festival of Urbanism 2019
Panel discussion with Margie the architect, Ellen the physio and Lina the academic on Healthy Spaces to Age.